It’s imperative that your company thoroughly investigates a product concept before you dive in full force. There are several ways to do this. Today, we’re going to take a closer look …
UX to Product Management Employee Staffing Ratios
We’ve reached the final question in the most recent Global Study of Product Team Performance survey. Today, we’ll look at how survey respondents compared the number of full-time user experience …
User Experience (UX) Staffing and Effectiveness
Today we continue our exploration of the findings from the most recent Global Study of Product Team Performance survey. The responses we’ll consider today both deal with the user experience …
Sharing the Product Roadmap with Customers
The most recent Global Study of Product Team Performance provided insight into corporate practice in two key areas: When to share the tactical product roadmap with customers and customer-facing employees …
Product Management: Survey Internal Stakeholders
Once you’ve completed gathering the information outlined in previous posts, absorb and analyze it. Does the information suggest that your organization is on track to meet its goals? Or do …
Key Findings Product Managers Should Pay Attention To
For the last four years we have been conducting a global study of product teams. Last year approximately 1,500 organizations participated in our survey. Once complete, we provide the data to …