Required to be clear and concise, the project charter is never the less charged with setting down lots of information in a high-level document. Just look at what the Project …
What is a Product Roadmap?
Moving Your Product Strategy Forward When you begin developing your product roadmap, you start to envision how your product strategy will actually be accomplished. You tangibly define the phases or …
What is a Market Requirements Document (MRD)?
Of all the documents you create while developing a new product or product extension the Market Requirements Document (MRD) is most important of all. First, the MRD defines the overall …
Storyboarding and Flow Diagrams
Over the past few weeks my posts have explored various tools to use in product concept investigation. This week we will continue by reviewing two additional problem scenario approaches. Each …
Problem Scenarios as a Device
Last week we looked at Personas as a means of product concept investigation. This method focuses on the people who may use the products being considered for development. Problem scenarios …
TOWS: Step Beyond A SWOT Analysis
Last week we considered the benefits and use of the SWOT Matrix that mapped out Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Today, we’re going to look at the TOWS Matrix. You …