Identifying Market Opportunities Wayne Gretzky, one of the world’s great hockey players, once said, “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” The statement …
Definition of Done: Who Should Define Done?
Who defines your product team’s definition of “done” that you apply against every feature or story? Having a clear definition of done is a basic element of a successful product management process. …
Brainstorm to Create a Stronger Product Strategy
In my recent post I described the process of creating a draft product strategy. Now it’s time to solicit ideas from your organization’s thought leaders and take your vision forward. …
Product Management: Survey Internal Stakeholders
Once you’ve completed gathering the information outlined in previous posts, absorb and analyze it. Does the information suggest that your organization is on track to meet its goals? Or do …
Win/Loss Analysis and Product Management
Get a Clear Picture of Where You Stand in the Marketplace In recent posts I’ve delved into how various resources can help a product manager master the challenge ahead. In …
Competitive Information and the Product Manager
Contracts, Competitive Information and the Product Manager To stay on top of the marketplace, product managers need to access a wide range of resources. As a result, we’re going to …