As a product manager, you put your heart, soul, and abilities into crafting your priorities, roadmaps, and requirements. There have been a considerable number of other people involved all along …
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): Establish a Framework
When you are ready to move from strategizing to executing a plan, the first step is to understand expectations. If your organization has recently moved from a start-up to a …
Product Vision: Driving Organization Alignment
Throughout the previous few posts, I’ve discussed the process of building and sharing your product vision. In this post we’ll explore how product managers can get employees vested in the …
Compelling Business Case Components
In my recent post I discussed approaches companies take to the business case. Now we’re going to drill down and learn how to put a compelling business case together. The Executive …
Product Strategy: Anticipating Market Opportunities
Identifying Market Opportunities Wayne Gretzky, one of the world’s great hockey players, once said, “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” The statement …
Definition of Done: Who Should Define Done?
Who defines your product team’s definition of “done” that you apply against every feature or story? Having a clear definition of done is a basic element of a successful product management process. …