Back in 2012 I was presenting findings from our first annual study of product team performance when I was asked by a product manager “how does the choice of product …
User Experience’s Continuing Rise
First A Glance Back The importance of user experience to an organization’s products grows each year. User experience first emerged as a statistically significant factor in our 2014 study when we …
Turnovers Impact On Product Teams
The skill and aptitude of product team members has a significant impact on product team performance. But quality is not the only indicator of whether a team is likely to be high …
Satisfaction: Just How Satisfied Are Product Team Members?
There’s no getting around the fact that product team members have been under pressure to do more with less for a sustained period of time. While the pressure brought on …
What Is a Business Case and Why Does It Matter?
Almost every week someone within earshot asks a question about a business case. The most common one is “why don’t we have one” followed by “I am not sure about …
Technology Companies Are More Hit or Miss Than Other Verticals
We recently asked the following survey question “Which of these statements best describes your view of your product team’s performance against organizational expectations?” The majority of product team members indicated …