It’s easy to confuse the concept of a value proposition with a positioning statement. However, it is important to recognize that these are separate and distinct statements that each have their own …
How Embedded Is Product Marketing In Your Product Development Process?
We are nearing the finish line on this year’s Survey of Product Team Performance and as we prepare to begin the regression analysis I noticed an interesting comment from one …
What Percentage of Product Managers Rely Upon Influence Versus Direct Control?
In this year’s Study of Product Team Performance we asked product team members to indicate how well defined the role of the product manager was in their organization. Respondents told …
Silicon Valley Code Camp, SVPMA, and ProductCamp San Francisco All in Two Weeks!
Product Management is alive and well in San Francisco and Silicon Valley! Over the next two weeks Ron Lichty and I will be canvasing three different venues where product managers …
Waterfall’s Death Knell?
A startling fact emerged from this year’s study of product team performance – Waterfall is continuing to lose ground. Not too surprising on the surface of it but when you …
Product Management’s Invisible Wall: Domain Experience (Versus Skill)
If you speak to enough seasoned product managers a pattern begins to emerge and an invisible wall starts to reveal itself. The wall I am referring to is domain experience. …