For the last two years we have been asking survey respondents about which product development methods their organizations utilize with an eye toward the trend line. We have found that …
Product Launch – Five Things Product Team Members Would Change
As discussed in last week’s post, product launch continues to a be a consistent pain point for many organizations. Based upon the responses from our 2013 Study of Product Team Performance there …
The Most Commonly Cited Reasons for a Failed Product Launch
Since 2012 we have been investigating the various aspects that enable product teams to achieve high performance. Each year product launch is consistently cited as a problem area. There are …
The Importance of Product Launch
Companies often spend millions of dollars on product development efforts and carefully monitor and control the entire process only to treat the product launch process as an afterthought. It is …
The ProdBOK Guide Has Arrived! Now Available on Amazon.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that the ProdBOK Guide is now available! It represents three years worth of hard work by a wide swath of the product management …
Steve Johnson on Agile, Strategic Product Management, and the ProdBOK Guide
Steve, thanks for joining me today. I would like to begin by asking about whether you think the role of product manager is becoming more or less strategic? And if …