A startling fact emerged from this year’s study of product team performance – Waterfall is continuing to lose ground. Not too surprising on the surface of it but when you …
Product Management’s Invisible Wall: Domain Experience (Versus Skill)
If you speak to enough seasoned product managers a pattern begins to emerge and an invisible wall starts to reveal itself. The wall I am referring to is domain experience. …
The Most Frequently Cited Obstacles to a Product Team’s Success
Our research into the dynamics of product teams it primarily focused upon what differentiates high performance teams from less effective ones. However, each year we ask a question geared at …
Executive Involvement with the Product Team – What is the Best Approach?
Earlier this year we surveyed a wide variety of global organizations to learn more about what differentiates high performance product teams from those that are less successful. We defined high …
A Blended Approach to Product Development by Steven Starke (Part Two)
After reviewing the latest survey results, my colleague (Greg Geracie) and I put our collective heads together to do just that. We attempted to combine years of experience and practice …
A Hybrid Approach to the Product Lifecycle by Steven Starke
Over the past several years, there has been a movement in the information technology industry to adopt better, faster, and cheaper ways to implement solutions. This movement is typically synonymous …